Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Humans have, for centuries, battled with love
It’s bittersweet touch, violating our hearts, pulling our souls into darkness
Wars have been fought, families torn apart
All in the name of this fantasy, this illusion of love
We, humans, chase it, long for it, imitate it and play it
This love
This, painful, infamous revel inside our hearts
More blissful than euphoria
Yet, more painful than being torn asunder
All forms of this contemptible emotion, cause pain
None, however worse, than unrequited love.
The sorrow, the empty longing
Pouring all you have, into a sieve,
Trusting, hoping, cherishing, trying, striving
For naught, there was no purpose, no prize
That, more painful that a gunshot, I’d rather choose torture
To give all you have, all your love, your soul, your very essence
To give it all to another, someone your heart screams for, cries for, and pines for
And yet
They take your devotion, smiles on their faces
Paying lip service to your adoration, pretending to feel the same
Using deceit, knowingly or not
They take, consuming all you offer, devouring your fealty with gusto
Then grin, laugh and smirk while they rip apart the illusion
Revealing at long last, it was all a game, all a passing amusement
Announcing to the remains of your former self, you were but a stepping stone
A bookmark to hold their time, a diversion, their brief entertainment
This, unanswered love
Will tear you apart and abandon the shreds without a second thought
Leave you feeling like nothing, believing you are nothing
While they feel nothing, no sorrow, no regret, nothing
Their howling mirth drowning out your lamentations of misery
Forever the sounds will echo, in the depths of your being
Until finally, an angel, a heaven sent protector

Releases you from the chains of agony and despair 

1 comment:

  1. So much pain can be heard in this. A sadness that the reader can feel. Keep your chin up! You have a gift that only a fool can ignore. Writing is a passion and it shows in your writing.
