Saturday, July 6, 2013


I hear it shatter all around
The echoing clashes as the world around me crumbles
Now, all is still, silent
There is no more dream, no more prize, no more goal
It never existed
The dream a farce, a joke, a great prank
Something invented to torture
Something fabricated to deceive
A mirrored curtain raises, revealing the stage
Laughter, like thunder, fills my ear
The voice, the voice that fear took
The voice that once ignited my soul with loving fire

Is now echoing evil laughter through the hollow husk I now am


  1. You write beautifully angel...don't ever let anyone tell you that how you feel is wrong

  2. This is gorgeous. The descriptions display the feeling vividly. It screams sadness, and anger, and screams it loudly.

  3. it expresses more than people bargain for in life. Classic
