Friday, April 18, 2014

Anxiety Confession

Anxiety is an illness that I've finally admitted to.

Lately, I've had feelings of worthlessness and failure as I look back on what I've done so far and feel I've come up short. My only outlet is my poetry since everyone I try and speak to either lectures me or rejects or tells me that I'll get over it.

Well I know I'll get over it. I know it'll pass, but it's right now, right here, tearing me apart. Pain and torment and anger and fear. I'm not very outspoken about how I feel. In truth I  always thought this was weakness.

Maybe it is weakness to sob over familial rejection, on the glorious confirmed finding of my siblings  I obsessed over, they reject me for reasons I dont know. Family members ignore my reaching out for unexplained reasons as well.

Then again, maybe I'm over thinking....again. Anxiety is known to do that.

But if so, where do I go? I've never felt so lost.

Ah, but nothing chases out my doubt like when I focus on my daughter. She is my treasure, my reminder that even when I feel worthless and without purpose, the high calling of being her mom is my privilege.

The Dance of Darkest Anguish

Always alone
All to listen
None to hear
All of the confessions
Are also the secrets
The freedom to speak
Too craven to stand
The words unsaid
The words mistaken
Fear is absolute
Certainty is not
To please is to deny
To deny is to displeasure
Yet I am ignorant
To be myself
Is a disappointment
To live in truth
Is to live a lie
For every praise
Are a thousand jeers
Victory is defeat
I succeed
Yet find I am lacking
To protect those I care for
I hurt myself
The mask of worth
Reveals the hollowness
Wisdom yields to confusion
Joy mingles pain
The light is darkness
The strength of fire fades

Thursday, December 26, 2013


I was a fool to hope the impossible
I was a knave to think I was wanted
Your honeyed words and subtle whispers
Your sweetness and caress
I fell hard again and faster than before
My hopes rose high
But reality crashed faster
And now again my heart lies in dust
The terrible ache screams within my chest
The tears come, but do not fall
I will not spill more tears for my folly
A fool needs not cry
But I wonder in my sorrow
If this game, this conquest, this sadistic tableau
Is how you feel like a man?
Projecting your inner pain on me
Hurting how your pain demands
Does it make you feel like a man?
To crush a this woman’s heart
One who loved you, honest and true?
Do you feel powerful and mighty
Bringing down a heart you’ve already broken
One you’ve already TORN
The alpha became a sadist
The lover now the demon
Retching with the shame of trusting you
I know it will pass
I was never more than a passing amusement
To you
But your victory will be hollow
Your conquest pointless and meager
I will not be bitter
You are not worthy of my hate

Knave though you be
Empty of care or compassion
Lonely in both mind and soul
Soon you will be reminded
Of all those you have wronged

No one hides from Karma

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Missing You

Loneliness and longing
The sickness that is missing you
This empty hollow feeling
Quite and accepting
The knowing that you’re gone
Time has frozen on the memory
Keeping still inside my heart
Ill deny it to the end
I will smile and say I’m fine
But deep inside I miss you
Be it loneliness, regret
Depression or remorse
When I close my eyes
Your face is what I see
I know I should move on
I know I should start anew
But it feels fake and forced
If I step outside your memory
All the sorrow
All the tears
From wishing it were different
But there’s nothing I can change
By your side I cease to be

Never in your arms again

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Phoenix Fire

A fire has been lit inside me
The curiosity brought back to life
Shadows faded into whispers
Light reveals a new dawn
Brilliance, almost blinding
Dispels the angst within
Scattering doubt amongst the wind
The emergence so sudden
Yet familiar

The peace is real
It comforts and quells the sorrow and anger
Soothes the aching pain
Hope in exalted reverie restored
Gingerly on the precipice
Balancing the new and the unknown
With the caution of experience

Infusing essence with awareness
Bringing to life welling desire
An unseen fieriness
Intangible fervor
Bursting novelty of youthful ambition

Rapture of new beginnings 

Saturday, August 17, 2013


There is something intensely liberating about finding yourself again
I think it’s the acceptance that you were once lost
The realization you somehow misplaced yourself
Like that one special piece of nostalgia that goes missing in the move
And no matter how much time and effort you put into looking for it
You just couldn’t pin point where it was, or how you lost it.
Then, randomly, one day you find it again.
You realize how lost and different things were without it.
You become overcome with joy that you found it again
Things feel normal again.

Getting to know yourself is probably the one of the most complex things we will do in life. Humans are constantly changing and influences can show even if for brief moments. We are constantly growing, no matter what age we are. One of the downfalls I see is the disconnection we can have with our inner self, the person inside. Living up to expectations or “norms” can kill that person, and then you’re left with a shell. It’s sad.

Finding yourself again, after not realizing your lost….
Falling in love with who you really are

Its blissful
Reuniting with yourself
It feels like being bathed in light
Being awake for the first time 
Seeing the world again, and feeling apart of it. 
Embarking on this newfound familiar adventure

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Confusion, panic, uncertainty
All flash
The sudden impact leaves me numb
A heaviness fills me, weighing down like lead
Loneliness consumes everything, crushing all that oppose it
There is no drive, no motivation, nothing
The weight is too much
All that musters to the surface brings tears
But no cries can escape
Flowing, silently, numbly
Movement hindered, time stands still
The only feeling is a throbbing ache of loneliness
A cavernous void of longing
I feel nothing as the tears come

Unbidden by sorrow or the pain