Saturday, August 17, 2013


There is something intensely liberating about finding yourself again
I think it’s the acceptance that you were once lost
The realization you somehow misplaced yourself
Like that one special piece of nostalgia that goes missing in the move
And no matter how much time and effort you put into looking for it
You just couldn’t pin point where it was, or how you lost it.
Then, randomly, one day you find it again.
You realize how lost and different things were without it.
You become overcome with joy that you found it again
Things feel normal again.

Getting to know yourself is probably the one of the most complex things we will do in life. Humans are constantly changing and influences can show even if for brief moments. We are constantly growing, no matter what age we are. One of the downfalls I see is the disconnection we can have with our inner self, the person inside. Living up to expectations or “norms” can kill that person, and then you’re left with a shell. It’s sad.

Finding yourself again, after not realizing your lost….
Falling in love with who you really are

Its blissful
Reuniting with yourself
It feels like being bathed in light
Being awake for the first time 
Seeing the world again, and feeling apart of it. 
Embarking on this newfound familiar adventure

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