Thursday, May 23, 2013

Fear's Prisoner

Amongst the nothing, I lay
Numb and empty, staring into the darkness
I sense the commotion around me, I hear the clatter
Fear has one, declared the victor and reigns over my being
A strange sense of peace waves over me, followed by terror
This peace is false, this silence is deceptive
I am Fears prisoner now, waiting in my cell of apathy
What is next?
Pain appears squeezing my heart in an icy grip
Frozen I watch the love drip from it, drying, decaying before me
Despair, distraught, desolate and dying
Screams into the insanity
Erupting into an inferno of delirium, giving way to the seduction of madness
A stone weighs heavy on the abandon
An anchor unnoticed in the frenzy of failures acceptance
A tiny glow, humble, pure and frail, beats slowly
Turning, ablaze with anger and pain, stumbling toward the angelic ember
Fear shackles my movement, hindering
Bursting still, flames of hatred torch the remains of love
Dignity and worth now a pile of ash
Haggard and spent, my gaze rests on the ember
As I feel myself fading into the darkness, it looks to creep closer
In my madness I call to it, begging, laughing, screaming, crying
The ember dims

War With Fear

Bracing myself for heartbreak, I feel the sting of sorrow seeping slowly in. 
The heat and light of love slowly draining, giving in to the abysmal darkness
Panic wages war against the shreds of normalcy left within my sanity 
Anger rushes the flanks of my serenity, clashing hard against thin armor
Suspicion and doubt sneak past defenses, assassinating trust, leaving no evidence
The siege wages on, my heart will be starved out
There is no well to quench the loneliness
No provisions to sustain my weakened love
The more my mind fights with my emotions I feel it all slipping
The war between protecting love and protecting what has been left of my heart
Will I be destroyed?
When will it end?
Which side do I favor?
The dream hangs softly above the waging forces
Floating, unaware of the inner hatred and desire its existence has spawned
Hopeless, I reach for the unattainable, the salvation 
Feebly I try to fight, strength has left me
I feel the clashes, the hits, the poisons and the daggers
Closing my eyes I let the darkness take me
Silence engulfing my soul and shutting out the noise and light
Fear has declared his victory, roaring into my soul the shame of defeat