Thursday, December 26, 2013


I was a fool to hope the impossible
I was a knave to think I was wanted
Your honeyed words and subtle whispers
Your sweetness and caress
I fell hard again and faster than before
My hopes rose high
But reality crashed faster
And now again my heart lies in dust
The terrible ache screams within my chest
The tears come, but do not fall
I will not spill more tears for my folly
A fool needs not cry
But I wonder in my sorrow
If this game, this conquest, this sadistic tableau
Is how you feel like a man?
Projecting your inner pain on me
Hurting how your pain demands
Does it make you feel like a man?
To crush a this woman’s heart
One who loved you, honest and true?
Do you feel powerful and mighty
Bringing down a heart you’ve already broken
One you’ve already TORN
The alpha became a sadist
The lover now the demon
Retching with the shame of trusting you
I know it will pass
I was never more than a passing amusement
To you
But your victory will be hollow
Your conquest pointless and meager
I will not be bitter
You are not worthy of my hate

Knave though you be
Empty of care or compassion
Lonely in both mind and soul
Soon you will be reminded
Of all those you have wronged

No one hides from Karma